Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Potty Training!

Ok mom, you win. My mom has been telling me Adelyn is ready to potty train for 6 months now. I know it would be cheaper and easier.... but she is my little girl. Anyway, yesterday when Travis was putting Adelyn in the bathtub she said "Dad, I want to potty train." Just like that. So we are going to buy a little potty today and tomorrow since I have no kids.... I will spend the day potty training Adelyn. She is getting so big. Maybe she will be trained by 2 years old after all!

Monday, September 15, 2008

A Very Happy 3 Years!

Today is our 3 year anniversary. It sounds so cliche' but I LOVE YOU honey. It was been such a wonderful three years. You are such an awesome husband and an incredible father to Adelyn. Travis is so perfect for me. He is a man of many trades and can fix anything! He is so sweet and thoughtful... but has such a large sense of adventure. He is such a great provider and takes such great care of me and our girl. I love you pacho!

Kids Say The Darnest Things!

So if you have not seen or heard Adelyn lately.... she is talking so well. She says full sentences that make sense. Here are a few of her new favs
" Mom, shake your booty"- I did NOT teach her that.
"This is Cam's.... or Haydos!"
"I love you Addy. SHe responds "thanks"
"Thanks and I welcome"

Crazy how fast and well she is talking. She is not a baby anymore... she is a full blown toddler.

Disneyland 2009