Saturday, November 15, 2008

Welcome Home Elder Rowley!!

My HIlarious brother Nick came home from his mission in Argentina on Wednesday. We missed him so much. He was an awesome missionary. He is adjusting to carpet, English, cars, large homes, etc. Here are some pics of the airport when we picked him up. We love you Nick and are very glad you are home!!!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

We had the family come over for Adelyns birthday. She got a vanity set and a tricycle. She LOVES her vanity and "makeup"---- but she doesnt have real makeup of course. She got a doll house from G & G Rowley and lots of clothes from G & G Young! It was so fun.. we love you Adelyn and dont know what we would do without you. You are sunshine in our world!!!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Adelyns Birthday Party

Although Adelyn doesnt turn 2 until vote day.. I decided to have a costume party on Saturday with all her friends. Thanks to all those who came. She loved having all her friends and cousins around. They ate pizza, decorated cookies and played. There were a lot who came which I was grateful for. She has such awesome friends and great parents... Thanks to her cousins which traveled a distance to be there. She was happy and I was very grateful. I will of course post more on Adelyns birthday after we have the family party. Can you believe I am a mother of a 2 year old. Crazy. Time flies when having fun!


We were the flintstones for Halloween this year. I MADE Travis' costume with the help of my Mom (thanks Mom) and for those of you who know me... I dont sew so this was an adventure. I am learning to sew on my machine and I actually enjoy it, Im just not good. I was happy with how well the costume turned out. But really how could you mess up a Fred Flintstone costume? What do you think?

Pumpkin Festival

So Andrea and the Women in Business held the annual pumpkin festival. My sister in law Jenny and I took Adelyn. She had a lot of fun... and so did we except for the huge crowds of people (great turnout Andrea)! Adelyn LOVED painting the pumpkin most and we spent the majority of the time doing that. She got a candy corn painted on her face, played on the entry way of the fun house (she didnt like going in the fun house because the "big" kids were inside, and partipated in the ring toss- kind of. She also decorated a cookie. As you can see from the pics she would put icing on the cookie, lick all the icing off, and then put icing on it again. She never did eat the cookie. Thats my girl:) Anyway, way to go Women in Business and thanks Andrea for having it so organized. It was a blast!

Disneyland 2009