Saturday, April 30, 2011

Awww BLAST!!!

WARNING: TOO MUCH INFO! I got up at 5 am (Eastern time remember) to watch the Royal Wedding (I am a romantic at heart and could not wait to see the dress) and then after getting THE VIEWS cynacal reviews of the wedding, we headed up to the last Endeavor Shuttle Launch. Travis decided that we should go to Cocoa Beach to watch the shuttle so the kiddos would have something to do for the 3 hours b4 the launch (as you can see I think he secretly just wanted to go to go Ron Jons Surf Shop). We parked and then walked to Ron Jons to kill some time. We got Trav a swimsuit and a little bucket for the kids to use at the beach. Then headed to Cocoa Beach figuring we could spend an hour and half playing on the beach b4 the actual launch. We walked on the boardwalk of the beach and immediately saw the launch pad in the distance. Then we saw a plane flying low in the distance. Shortly there after a man behind us said that is Obamas plane. So I tried to take a pic, but was too slow. Anyway, then he proceeded to tell us the launch was cancelled. Luckily we were at a cool beach so we just played on the beach for a while. The launch will prob. go up Mon or Tues, but Trav works and I don't dare take the 2 by myself.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Boston Walking

Aunt Dee you asked for video of Boston walking so here we go. He just woke up from his nap so he was not much for talking yet.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter 2011

This was an Easter of Firsts. Our first experiance was our first flashlight Easter egg hunt. Because it is so warm here and light til later, Florida has an Easter egg hunt at night. It is at a baseball complex where there are several baseball fields. They seperate the kids in age groups and you they go out on a specific field and then gather as many eggs as they can when the announcer says go. This made for Bostons first Easter egg hunt. He did a great job at putting the eggs in his basket after Travis showed him how it was done. We met our friends the Rodolicos who have 2 boys.... ages 5 and 4. Addy and the boys were in the same catagory and they all raced to get the eggs. We turned on our flashlights and the kids raced about getting as many eggs as they possibly could. My competitive Addy said at the end "I got the most huh mom?". She had a blast. They have one "Golden Egg" where the person gets a big prize and the rest turn all their eggs in for a bag of candy. It was really well organized, so fun to do a night hunt, and great to have fun friends with us.

This was our first Easter away from our families so we decided to go and do something super fun. We decided to go SEAWORLD!! We had a blast. We spent the day watching all "the shows" because it was stinkin hot and humid. We also walked through a couple of the exhibits. Addy and Boston loved the Shamu Whales, the dolphins, and the Sea Lions. They brought back the Killer Whale that killed a trainer about a year ago, to our shock. The Whale was supposed to come and splash the people with its tail and then go back to the port. However, the Whale spent the last 10 minutes of the show just "showing off" and going around the pool in circles. They made sure to not have any trainers in with the Whale... no telling what it will do.

Easter Sunday the kids woke up to find the Easter Bunny had visited our house. He left candy all over the floor and left the kids Easter baskets. We went to church and Addy got to wear her new Easter dress 

Easter Morning
.After church,the Rodolicos, invited us over for dinner. We had delicious ham, potatoes, and corn that Stacie made. Addy LOVES Jacob their oldest boy and tells me that she has decided she will "marry him". She had so much fun. The Easter bunny left a Easter basket at the Rodolicos also (so sweet). We had an Easter egg hunt in their front yard. Addy, Jacob and Joseph all run their little hearts out finding all the eggs they could. Boston on the other hand, he was just LOVIN being outside and was pleased as peaches to just wander the new terrain.

Ready for church Easter sunday
We are so grateful for wonderful friends who helped make this Easter an unforgettable one. I was worried about how homesick I would be being away from family during a holiday for the first time. The Rodolico Family sure made it easier and made our Easter day a BLAST!!! Hope you all had a wonderful Easter as well. Speaking of blast..... stay tuned for our next post~~~

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Adelyn at 4 years and Boston at 14 months

-is getting used to living in Florida.
-We have been here for 2 months and she already has a bunch of friends. Kaitlyn, Jacob, Joseph, Micani, and Kai.
- She loves going to story time at the Library. They always have a fun little craft for the kids to do.
- Loves playing with all the kids at the gym. Speaking of the gym, she has made fast friends with the recruitment lady there. She told me the other day (psst... I have some easter candy on my desk. Just go in there and get some candy for her.) She always says a big "hello" and a smile to Addy when we go in.
-Addy can make friends of any age. She has made friends with some of the 7 and 8 year olds in the ward too. Wish she would make friends with the 14 year olds so they could babysit, right!!
- Memorized Article of Faith 1 and 2
- Writes her name
-Knows all the letters and there sounds
-Counts to 20
- Brushes her own teeth (with supervison)
-Gives herself a bath (with supervison)
-Makes her bed and cleans her room by herself
-Weighs 34 pounds
- Is growing up too fast. The other day she was brushing her teeth and I just stood and thought I can not believe how fast she growing up. She said to me the other day in the store "dont you trust me mom". I was shocked. All I could say was yes I trust you but you are 4. The lady in front of me laughed and said you didnt think you would hear for 10 more years at least did you. Oh how time flies!!!
-I am loving hanging out more with Addy now that I am home.

Boston at 14 months
- he will point to his eye and say eye
- is walking all over the place and getting back up on his own
- he is Mr. Personality. He makes us laugh all the time
- When he likes something he will say "hot dog"
-Will get his 12 month shots FINALLY this week
- Weighs 25 pounds
- Is still on the bottle, but will eat anything else too
- Loves to give hi 5
- Is a daredevil. He loves to stand on top of his car with no hands. And is always climbing on something
- Likes to "investigate" to found out how things work
- learning where he can and cant go. He minds really well
- Will sulk when he doesnt get what he wants
- Loves to play with Addy. She can make him laugh like no one else can. So funny.
- Everyone is always commenting on his beautiful eyes (I think thats why he says eye)
- Loves to play peek-a-boo
-TALKS or gabbers NON-STOP
-Drinks out of a straw now
-Got his first sickness this last week. He would not sleep for about 3 days. Poor kid
- Has 4 teeth on top and 2 on bottom now

I feel overwhelmingly blessed to be Mom to these two!!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Very Unwelcomed Guests

The largest treefrog in North America is the Cuban treefrog (1.5 to 5 inches in body length), however it is not native to North America. This species was introduced to southern Florida from the Caribbean and has continued to spread in Florida.

This last week was... well to sum it up was long. On Monday night we sprayed our house for bugs and little did I know what was in store the next morning. My Dad told me to write it in my journal. This has become my most steady journaling (sad I know) so here it goes. Tuesday morning Travis heads out the door for work. About 10 minutes later I hear a ractus in the kids' bathroom. I walk in the bathroom and on the backsplash of the tub was a HUGE FROG.... called a Cuban Tree Frog. This frog was albino looking... greyish tanish gross color. I wigged out and turned off the light and shut the door immediately. I called Travis and went and got him from work so he could catch the gigantic pest. When we got home of course, the HUGE FROG had somehow stretched itself out to get under the bathroom door... it was gone. The toilet was right next to the tub so we looked all around the house, found no frog, and decided that perhaps it went down the toilet. Cleaned the house, detoxed the bathroom and moved on with my day a little shaken. I was reading Addy books on the couch while Boss was asleep when I looked over in my kitchen and there was a LIZARD on my kitchen cabinets. I really freaked out! Those of you who know me know that I HATE REPTILES, and I am OCD!!! I could not catch the lizard after trying a couple of times and deciding my son would be all over the house I decided to leave the house for the day. We went to my friends Holly's house until it was time to get Trav. Trav came home and caught the Lizard. I was so thankful. The cleaning began. Well, the next night, Trav walked in Boston's room (luckily Boston was on the couch with me) and he came back in living room and said "well I found the Frog." It was in Bostons room. So we had a very long week of cleaning all Bostons clothes, bedding, shelves, wall decor, anything that was in his room, along with all the stuff the Lizard may have got on. Everyone here laughs at me and says, yeah.... we have lizards from time to time. yeah we have frogs in our house sometimes... we just get them out. My OCD took over this week. Sounds like I am either going to go CRAZZZZYYY or get over my OCD. Oh yeah, on top of it, both my kids got really sick and didnt sleep for three days. We have tried to stop every entrance the Lizards could have to getting into our house and all I can say is I am so blessed to have such an awesome husband who is so patient, understanding, and hard working to make me feel comfortable at my house:)

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Ok so I have been so shocked and frustrated how people don't and can't seem to understand that "Mormons" are Christians. I feel like I have to explain to everybody... which is giving me many missionary opportunities... but they still don't seem to get it. Today on the view they were talking about how most religions or something are christians except MORMONS!!! What? Where do people get their information is what I want to know. It seems even when you tell them we believe Christ is the Savior it is hard for them to understand still. Why is it that a protestant, non-denominational, catholic, baptist, this church and that church can be Christians, but it is hard to comprehend a Mormon is a Christian. Side note also: Anyone heard of the broadway play "BOOK OF MORMON"? What is this? What does it depict? Anyway... that's just me venting. I am A "MORMON, MEMBER OF CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS which means I AM A CHRISTIAN!!!!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Beach Saturday

Today it was 86 degrees outside and General Conference doesnt show here until 12:00 so we decided to hit the beach this morning. It was so relaxing. Travis LOVES the beach. He is a bigger kid than the other two. He and Addy made this pyramid. Some tourist came by with his camera and took pictures of the pyramid for about 10 minutes. We didn't think it was that neat... but whatever:) He then put on his Engineering cap and made this pool for Boston to sit. Boston takes after his dad and LOVES the beach... especially the water. Travis made this canal that leads to a big pool for Boston. A man walked by and said "ok, who's the Engineer?" Travis said he was was. The man said "what do you have, a 65 degree angle on it?" Adelyn loves the sand and the water also. She basked in the sun and reveled in the water and sand. I enjoyed sitting in the sun and working on my tan (you wouldn't guess it. I am still white.) We love the beach!!!

Adelyn's Gymnastics

Adelyn joined a Gymnastics/Dance class here in Florida. I told her I would record her doing her gymnastics. I thought I would post it here for you all to see. She is in the black gynmnastics uniform. She has great balance as you can see here on the balance beam and has picked up well on the dance. She has a recital here on June 2 and she is very excited for it. She misses her Sunshine Dance class in Cedar so I was glad this class combined gymnastics and dance. Sorry its kinda hard to see. Enjoy!!

Disneyland 2009