Well I am waay behind because we no longer have our computer or the internet. I finally got to a computer and realized I dont have my adaptor for my pictures but here is the "stuff" I need to blog about.
Last time I blogged was in June it looks like. Since then we had Chase and Keisha wedding. It was so adorable and they seriously looked like models. We are so happy to have Keisha join the family. She just fits right in with the rest of us crazys. Adelyn, Reagan, and Riley were the perfect flower girls in their pink and brown dresses. The day was filled with stress for me, but happiness for my younger bro. to finally have his eternal companion.
We also hosted the Rowley Family Reunion at Grandma Rowleys house. We did it over the 4th of July and it was a blast. We unfortunately couldnt have all the family come due to the many summer events that require us to all be together anyhow. We went to the Parowan swimming pool and Jamie and Monica brought their HUGE waterslide to the house. It was so fun. The little kids decorated their bikes for the parade and they rode them down main street. Addy went about 1/8 of the way because she was on a razor scooter. I was thrilled that I didnt have to walk the whole main street with her. We watched a movie outside on my parents house using a big projector screen. All in all the reunion was a blast and I hope all who went had fun. The best part..... I dont have to host it again for another 8 years!!!!
Adelyn is lovin all the family time cuz she gets to see her cousins (especially Reagan and Riley). She loves being outside and it getting very dark skin. She lives outside on her bike hanging out mostly with Owen. She tells me everyday she is going to marry Owen. Travis keeps telling her to keep her options open. She was at Owens house a couple weeks ago (end of June) and the wind was really blowing. Their door to the house from the garage slammed and heard crying. I went out and Katie was carrying Addy to our house. Her hand got SLAMMMED in the door... and I mean slammed. She was crying and said she wanted a band-aid. I went to the back to get a band-aid... and then I thought what am I doing? I was sure she broke her fingers. THey were so black and blue. I took her to the ER and she was such a big girl. The Dr. came in and they did an x-ray on her hand. Luckily it was not broken, but it was really tender for a couple of weeks. She is such strong girl. I was reminded in this sad incident just how much I love my little girl. She is doing well now and all her fingers are working properly.
Boston at 5 Months
1. He eats fruits and vegtables everyday now.
2. He still hates tummy time
3. Rolled over from belly to back... might have been an accident though
4. Discovered his toes
5. Recognizes faces... like Daddy's. He's still a mommy's boy, but he sure lights up when his daddy comes home from work.
6. getting blonder and blonder
2 weeks ago
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