Boston is 9 months old! Can't believe it. This little guy is growing so fast. He is showing signs of an engineer already. He doesn't talk much but is very observant and when he plays with toys I can just see the wheels in his head turning. "How does this work? How was this made? What else can I use this for?"
He is walking (with help of course). He can't stand on his own yet, but LOVES to be on his feet. I was thinking back about Addy and she was walking on her own at 10 months. That would mean Boston walking next month people! I'm thinking I am going to try to keep from mobile as long as possible. Although he crawls everywhere and I can no longer leave him in a room and expect him to stay there with the one toy I gave him. His crawl is more of a scoot, with his head down so he gets rug burns. But he gets where he wants to go and is so chill he doesn't care how long it takes him to get there.
Exactly opposite of his sister, he will eat ANYTHING! He will try and eat anything anyone wants to give him. We started feeding him a bit of the things we eat other than just baby food because he looks at us like " I am not eating what you are eating?" Funny, Addy thinks the same thing " I am definately not eating what you are eating!". Doesn't matter what it is. Since he is done nursing, I am happy to give him whatever food he can digest!
He weighs 20 pounds 10 oz. He is Trav's "little linebacker". Hard for me to believe he started off so little to begin with. He has made up for it and then some.
Boss will kiss you with his mouth wide open and he LOVES to give kisses.
He is really quiet. I must be used to Addy, but he is so quiet....except when he is hungry.
He loves to cuddle.
He my little man and boy do we love him!
Adelyn is 4!!!
She loves her dancing class. She has her first dance recital on the 13th of December and I have heard from many that she is a dang good dancer so I cannot wait to see her dance.
She spends most of her days playing with her new best friend Gabby! They play mom and baby, and jump on the trampoline, play with Barbies and dollys and strollers. She is such a girly girl. I love it!
She absolutely loves school. She cannot wait for Thursdays because it is school day. She does her "homework" (by her own choice) every day. All guess Trav was in school way too long. One day she will hate doing homework, but for now, she will be found doing "homework" a couple times a day.
She loves to draw. Her favorite thing to draw is our family. She is really good for drawing at her age. When we went to her 4 yr. old well check appt the Dr asked me if she was drawing people and what she was drawing. I told him head, eyes, hair, body, arms, legs, nose, mouth. He said most kids only draw 3 things for people at her age. I didnt know that. She really loves to draw.
She weighs 32 pounds. She is growing really good and is healthy as can be.
She is so smart. She knows all the letters of the alphabet and knows the sound each letter has made. She can count to 12 all by herself. We are still working on 13-20. She gets all the numbers, but not in the right order yet. She knows all her shapes and colors. She is real observant!
She is still so full of confidence and spunky and so fun to be around. Never a dull moment with her!
She went and bought her very first toy all by herself with her own money. She got birthday money from Grandma Janet and she found a baby alive doll that eats and the food disappears. She went to the register, put the doll up on the counter, gave the cashier the money, got the change and got the doll all by herself. She was so excited to bring her "baby" home. She now puts it up at the table in its "high chair" when we eat and rocks her baby to bed. She will even "change her diaper". She loves that baby doll.
She loves to mosey in the morning. When she wakes up she likes to take her own sweet time eating, hates getting dressed, especially hates having her hair done and would prefer to sit and watch morning TV. It drives me BONKERS!!!!! I don't let her watch TV in the morning anymore.
She is sunshine in our lives and such a blast. We love her so much!
Life for us is in one word: BUSY! It seems like all the sudden life just got crazy. He is applying for jobs still and he got a job offer... we are just deciding still if it is where and what we want to do. He has been getting a lot of interviews. I hate making decisions. It seems like the economy is picking up though, so that is definately a good sign when you are in the job market. Anyway, I know it will all work out.... its just what is the BEST choice.
Now your updated. Hope you all have a very happy Thanksgiving!
2 weeks ago