We took a trip up to see Travs Grandma Bertie and Bill while we were in Utah and my Mom decided she would come with us and then we would go and do something fun with the kiddos. It was so great to visit Grandma Bertie and Bill. It was a short visit, but very sweet. So nice to see them both. We called Uncle Nick and Aunt Bridget to go with us and we all decided to go to the zoo. But due to a series of reasons, we were not able to get to Grandma Bertie and Bill's house till about 3 and then we visited them for a little over and hour, and the zoo closed at 5. We went w/ the next best choice.... Lagoon. It is only 10 minutes literally from Travs Grandma's. We went there and what do ya know, CLOSED! So we decided to go to Trafalga in Orem. It was such a BLAST. Adelyn loved playing Guitar Hero, Deal or No Deal, Miniture Golf, and eating Ice Cream. Boston loved driving the cars, riding the motorcyles, and golfing. But both of them LOVED riding in the Go- Carts. It was so fun.
2 weeks ago
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