Tuesday, November 15, 2011


First day of PEPP Kindergarten

She was a little nervous this time
With her Satchel (aka backpack they make you buy)

Lining up with her class
I went to go sign Addy up for preschool the first couple of days we lived here, and come to find out, she is Kindergarten age in California.  I cried for abouty 2 hours when I found out. I was not ready for Addy to go to Kindergarten already.  I thought I still had a year to prepare for this day.  When I went to sign her up at school, they told me about PEPP. It is in between kindergarten and preschool.  I know that Addy could handle Kindergarten, but if we move back to Utah like we plan on, she would be doing Kindergarten twice.  I put her in PEPP.  We accidently went on Monday when they told me her first day was going to be Tuesday, so the pictures below are the ones we took on Monday. On Tuesday, I was nervous to drop her off at this school in California where there were tonz of kids and people.  But my prayers were answered.  As I walked into the classroom this woman came up to me. She had a nametag that said Nichole Parent Volunteer.  She said to me, "I recognize you from church. I am Nikki and this is my daughter Brooklynne. She is in this class and I am the parent volunteer today.  I teach Addy in Sunday School.  She will be ok."  Immediately I felt immense peace.  I could let Addy go.  She had a instant friend, and I had someone to watch her for the day and protect her.  Tears fill my eyes even as I write this.  Nikki and I have become good friends already.  Adelyn and Brooklynne play everyday with each other.  I am so grateful Heavenly Father puts people in our path to remind us he loves us, is mindful of us, and he knows what we need.  I am feel so blessed by this little family.  What a gift they are to us.  Kindergarten PEPP.  She loves it!!!
What we thought was her first day of school 
She was so excited


Disneyland 2009