My athletic little girl ran in the annual Jog A Thon and ended up getting a BLUE RIBBON! She ran the most laps of any of the girls in her class. She ran 2. 75 miles (11 laps) in under 30 minutes. This while she had to stop twice for falling, one of which times she had to quit running and go get a band-aid! She is so determined. That morning she told me she was going to run 10 laps and get a blue ribbon like she did last year. To not get her hopes up too much I told her to just try her very best and that would be enough. But man! She was determined to get the most laps and to win the ribbon. I am so proud of her. I am most proud that she made a goal and did everything she possibly could to reach that goal. She will do great things in life with her attitude. Love her so much! Congrats Adelyn!!
2 weeks ago
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