Two weeks after we had our Twins my Mom was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. Luckily we caught it very early and after her lumpectomy, she was offically at stage 0. She decided however, with the full support of her family, to continue and do treatment. We just dont find they missed something and have it come back with a vengence or at a stage 5 later down the road. She did really well with her radiation other than having a few days of extreme nausea. She will now do chemotherapy for 5 years. She is getting very tired now that she has been taking the chemo pill for a couple of months. I was able to be there the day she finished her radiation treatment. The treatment center has a big gong they have patients hit on their last day of treatment as a way to celebrate. I was able to be there. I am so proud of my Mom and how she has handled this situation. I am convinced that this was a big reason why we were to move back to when we did. So grateful she is doing so well and we caught is so early on,
2 weeks ago
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