I cannot believe my babies are a year old. Max is beginning to walk. Emmy is showing no interest at all yet. Max claps when you tell him "good job". He pulls an "oh" face all the time now like he is surprised or shocked. He and Emmy are beginning to show interest in books. At his doctors appt he weighed 16 pounds 12 oz (.19%). He is a skinny little runt. He is 29 inches tall (23%). He still is attached to his bottle and we are finally starting to get a regular sleeping and nap schedule. He is snoopy and into everything. He has learned to fight back with Emmy for things he wants. They both really love their bath time. Max likes to eat new things. If he has eaten it before, he doesn't want it again. This is fine for a little bit, but I know I can't keep that up. Max loves balls. He is learning to throw the balls. He loves to roll the ball back and forth with anyone. Emmy is still crawling all-over the place. She is vocal. She tries to take everything from Max, but he is learning to take things back. She loves to held. Her hair is getting really long and she will stroke it and say "pretty". Travis has always called her "pretty girl" from the day she was born. They both love to be outside, but not restricted. At her doctors appt she weighed 18 pounds 2 oz (8%). She's a good eater. She loves her bottle. She is 28.5 inches tall (29%). So she is fatter and shorter than her brother. Thinking she will be like her sister and thin out when she starts to walk. I love each of them so much! Each has brought their own (strong) personality in our family and it seems weird now they weren't part of our family before. Not gonna lie though..... they hit one and life got hard. Whoever said the first year of twins was the hardest.......LIED!! For their birthday we had a BBQ. I felt like I was celebrating living through the first year. I thi k for the next few years it will be me silently celebrating we made it through another year!
2 weeks ago
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