Adelyn is now 2 and a half years old! I cannot believe. Yup.... time for another baby... but no announcement. Anyway, I just wanted to write down some milestones and memorable things Adelyn is doing at this fun and wacky age.
1. She is officially POTTY TRAINED! I had started this in the morning a couple of times, but because of work I was not consistant with it. I finished teaching school on Tuesday and we started Wednesday. She had a lot of accidents this day, but I showed how excited I was after each time she successfully went potty. We went to SUU and she went potty there, and yes, walmart, she went potty there. I wanted to show her that she could go potty anywhere. Thursday we just stayed home all day and I took her to the potty about every 1 and a half hours. Friday morning she woke up and first thing said I need to go potty. I took her and sure enough she went. She had no accidents on Friday. She even took a 3 hour nap and no accident. In fact, when she woke up she said potty and she went in the potty. No reward system here for her other than I got way excited when she went potty. I was afraid this was going to take forever (I have heard all the horrid stories) but I was lucky. It could be that she is 2 1/2 also though. Either way.... I am so excited... NO MORE DIAPERS= SAVE $
2. Adelyn had her well check appointment about a week ago. She weighed 27 pounds (30%) and was in the 5% for her height. Her head is in the 25%. The Dr. said in a little childish voice "how are you " and from then on she talked his ear off and told him all about her and her day. He looked at me and said "well she is definately not autistic". I said no. He said he had never heard a child her age talk so plainly and so much. Amen! I absolutely love it though. Bottom line is everything looked good.
3. Adelyns is into dress up more than ever now. At any time of the day you can find her in her play dresses. She gets dressed about 30 times a day. I cant wait til shes a teenager... my laundry will be ridiculus!
4. She had decided she is ready to drive. Yes, a car. She is asking me often if she can drive. No, not till you are older. I am older.... I am a big girl. Yes, but not old enough yet dear!
5. She has an imaginary friend named Andy. I think she either got this name from tweeking my friend Andrea's name (who she has been enthralled with since the wedding) and the kid off of Toy Story named Andy. She will tell me, dont sit there... that is where Andy is sittting. Tell me this is normal somebody, please!!!
6. Adelyn is LOVIN have her daddy home more since school is out. She goes from a daddy's girl, to a mommy's girl and then right back to a daddy's girl in no time flat.
7. Speakin of daddy, she likes to get in his wallet and take out his cards and says Im goin shoppin. Is this too early to know how to spend daddys $?
8. She is going to sleep in her own bed on her own now. She has been doing this for about 6 months now, but it is consistant finally.
9. Addie is getting in her two year old molars. She is slow I know. The girl will teethe FOREVER! She started teething at four months, and her first tooth didnt show up till well after she was a year.
10. She loves books. Her favorite book right now is Dr. Suess book..... I forgot what it is called
( I dont know how, I read it every night).
That's all folks!
2 weeks ago
Yea! I love it. Imaginary friends, completely normal for kids. Spending daddy's money...hilarious! Congrat's on the potty training. Thanks for all the cute updates and info. It really helps me feel connected still and lifts my heart to hear about your wonderful family.
Chels, that is amazing! I am so happy you are enjoying your daughter! Just so you know everytime I hear Dave Mathews Band new song on the radio I think of you!!! So lately it has been a few times a day :) I am glad you are doing so good. I miss your guts!
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